From Group
Oriya Matrimony
Most Trusted Matrimony Brand
by The Brand Trust Report 2014.

Y1420155 | Aaditya Hui & Aishworya Mahapatra
Location : India   /  Marriage Date : 06-Dec-2020
FIRST WE MET Sun, 13 Sep, 2020 It was love at first sight. If we could only control the time, We will go back to the moment when we both first met, not to change anything, but to experience it all over again! Some knots are meant to be tied forever. Here is our sweet and smooth journey towards eternity holding each other's hand. Two souls with but a single thought; two hearts that started beating as one.WEDDING Sun, 06 Dec, 2020 The best part of the life is spending each and every day with the fiance, Going on a date, shopping your wedding dress, preparing your wedding vows with the excitement and eagerness for the big day! Together forever